We simplify all those essential financial decisions
Portfolio choices
The Risk Thermometer
NOTE - hover over any wording to good a full description
Passive investments simply
follow the market movements.
Active investments are managed
with a view to outperforming the
OBSR portfolios are .........
DESCRIPTION - This is the highest level of risk in our model. Typically you are an experienced
investor with a good understanding of the risk/reward balance and you are willing to accept significant
and very sharp fluctuations in the value of your investment.
You accept the risk of losing some or all of your capital.
You could get back less than you invest.
DESCRIPTION - You accept a very high level of risk on your investment in order to seek very
high growth potential in the long term.
You are willing to accept sharp day to day fluctuations in the value of your investments and you accept
the risk of losing some or all of your capital.
You could get back less than you invest.
DESCRIPTION - You are willing to accept a high level of risk on your investment in order to seek
high growth potential in the longer term.
You are prepared to accept that this will increase the risk of large fluctuations in the value of your
investment and of losing some or possibly all of your capital.
You could get back less than you invest.Typically you will invest in a wide variety of assets.
DESCRIPTION - You are looking for a balance of risk and reward with the aim that, in the longer
term, higher returns may result.
You are willing to accept that the value of your investment will fall and rise in value and you could
get back less than you invest.
Typically you will invest in a wide variety of assets.
DESCRIPTION - You are prepared to accept investment risk in return for growth potential.
Typically you will invest in a wide variety of assets including exposure to equities. This will increase
the amount by which your investment can fluctuate in value.
You could get back less than you put in.
DESCRIPTION - Because you require some growth potential, you are prepared to move away from
investing in cash and to accept some investment risk.
Typically you are willing to invest in non-cash assets which will include some exposure to equities.
You accept that growth prospects are limited and understand your investment can fluctuate in value,
meaning you could get back less than you invest.
DESCRIPTION - You are not prepared to take any investment risk because it is very important that
your capital is protected.
Inflation may reduce the real value of your investment